Careers in the Energy Industry

The energy sector is one of the fastest growing sectors. Energy is a basic commodity used by people across the globe. The increasing demand of energy has provided a boost to the energy industry and therefore this industry has been growing by leaps and bounds.

With the growth of the energy industry, the number of jobs in this industry is also increasing. In fact, the energy sector is one of the largest employers across the globe. The energy sector also offers a wide range of jobs to potential employees who are looking for a career in this sector. The jobs in energy industry vary from desk jobs to field jobs.The energy sector employs people from diverse backgrounds in a plethora of jobs.

The following are a few careers in the energy industry:
  • Accountant: The job of an accountant in the energy sector is a desk job. Big companies employ accountants to direct activities and balance the budgets in their financial departments. This job is also a well- paid one.
  • Public Relations Specialist: Every energy company needs a Public Relations Specialist who creates and maintains a favorable public image for the organization.
  • Engineer: The job of an engineer is a very common and the most sought after job in the energy industry. Most people looking for employment in the energy sector correlate their job to that of an engineer. Energy companies require several types of engineers to work for them like agricultural, civil, electrical, environmental, industrial, mechanical, and petroleum. It is the job of an engineer to research, design, plan and perform accurate and highly technical engineering duties for the energy companies.
  • Refinery or Plant Operator: The job of a refinery or plant operator is a highly technical one. A plant/refinery operator distributes or processes energy for a variety of consumers through the operation of sophisticated and complex processing equipment. The operator also monitors equipment functioning, observes temperature, level and flow gauges, and performs regular unit checks in order to ensure that all equipment is operating in the right manner.
  • Geologist: A geologist in the energy industry work to explore new locations of energy. A geologist studies the composition, structure, and other physical attributes of the earth, including rocks and minerals. They use physics, mathematics, and geological knowledge in exploration of new areas where energy resources could be tapped in an effective manner.
  • Renewable Energy Technician: A renewable energy technician works to find, explore and use renewable sources of energy in the most optimal manner. These technicians work to install renewable energy systems and ensuring that these work in the right manner to make use of renewable energy to meet the increasing energy demand.
Experience Energy is a platform that brings together employers and employees from the energy sector. We offer a wide range of job opportunities to those looking for careers in energy sector. We also help employers find the right people for the right jobs in energy sector.


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